In July of BT contributes access to Newzbin2 after legal action to block the motion picture Association (MPA).
The MPA said that limited Newzbin2 site members pirated movies and music, which brings together forums on Usenet.
The block is about BT Cleanfeed system are enforced, the people visit sites that images of child abuse sex peddle is mostly used.
Before the block in place mid-October, programmers, working for Newzbin2 software, which they claim to have worked to defeat the blocking system.
September 14 was released the first version of Windows, members of the Newzbin2 program used to get on the site. Versions for Apple OS X and Linux are planned.
File sharing news site TorrentFreak is Newzbin2 not ready to show how the code tries to obtain the Cleanfeed block.
However, TorrentFreak ran some tests, that with wireless network sniffing software and found that the program depending on the encryption to hide the communication between users and Newzbin2.
Another technique used is to route all traffic through an established system, known as TOR, which hides to view the identity of users and what they are trying.
A spokesman for BT rejected an opinion about the development. He added that the specifics of the block court-ordered still were discussed.
Sites like Newzbin2 have will move increasingly popular as people like to get content on pirated from well-known file-sharing technologies.
The original Newzbin about a previous court case has shut down, but his successor, avoided that sanction by setting up shop outside the UK.