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14 September 2011 Last updated at 05:20 GMT

Environment Minister Alex Attwood has arranged the forum to highlight initiatives he wants to introduce to reduce road accidents.
The emergency services and other organisations with an interest in road safety will take part.
Mr Attwood said more had to be done to cut road deaths.
"The main issues to be tackled are impairment, carelessness and speed," he said.
"I am finalising plans for major new initiatives which will include reducing the drink drive limit and increasing the 45 mph speed restriction on learner and restricted drivers.
"I want to see new drivers being fit to drive at speeds used by fellow road users."
Another of Mr Attwood's proposals is that penalty points for offences committed north and south of the Irish border be mutually recognised.
He said he had been working with his counterpart in Dublin, Leo Varadkar, to address road safety issues across the island.
"We face the same challenges, with many of the same road users travelling north and south, and it makes sense for us to work together to identify and implement solutions," he said.