The study by the World Economic Forum (WEF) companies in countries such as Costa Rica, Egypt and China detected.
WEF said that it showed that global "green" companies were not the only ones with sustainability credentials.
The report considered 1,000 companies in developing countries.
'Positively influence'Co-author of the consulting firm Boston Consulting Group (BCG), the study said the results were doubly interesting "given the challenges of emerging market companies, often several problems".
It said these local difficulties between low quality infrastructure and weak regulatory environmental regimes, acute talent shortage and underdeveloped governance practices.
One of the companies, which the new sustainability champions report highlights Filipino was Manila water company.
The report says that the company community has been used partnerships, watershed management, and flexible payment options, to increase access to clean water.
Another company to 16 preisstabilsten was Kenya equity Bank, which said the study had developed mobile banking in the rural areas of the country.
"Performance and efficiency, the new sustainability champions show while superior industry innovation, to overcome the real limitations that they have," said Knut Haanaes, BCG partners.
"they engage proactively with all stakeholder groups and to affect positively their environments."
"This has the effect, they generate reliable profitable growth and are role models for their regions and sectors."
The report continues, is that to make the World Economic Forum in Dalian, China.
Source: World Economic Forum/BCG